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Cash aid now available from SSS for jobless Pinoy members

Cash aid can now be given to jobless Pinoys who were involuntarily separated from employment, announced by Social Security System. SSS jobless Pinoy members may grant half of their average monthly salary credit.

The cash benefit is given for a maximum of two month to help aid the SSS member to recover and have some cash finding new job. This program is one of the provisions of Republic Act 11199 or the Social Security Act of 2018.

“For example, a member who’s earning P10,000 per month was involuntarily separated from employment. He/she may be granted a cash assistance for a maximum period of two months.” explained by SSS President and Chief Executive Officer.

“The cash assistance is equivalent to one half of his average monthly salary credit, which in this case is P5,000 per month of unemployment benefit or a total of P10,000 for the two-month period of his/her unemployment,” the officer added.

To qualify, an SSS member must not be more than 60 years old and paid at least 36 monthly contributions, 12 months of which should have been made in the 18-month period prior to the involuntary separation.


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