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Renew contracts of migrant workers instead hiring new one: Ministry of Labor

The MOL is encouraging employers to renew the contracts of migrant employees already in Taiwan, instead of importing new workers amid COVID-19 pandemic.

Deputy Labor Minister Liu Shih-hao said that employers in Taiwan have the right to ban their workers from leaving the country.

Under their labor contracts, employees and employers have obligations to each other, which can be classified as primary and secondary obligations, Liu said.

For employers, their primary obligation towards their employees is to pay their wages, while their secondary obligations include ensuring workplace safety and preventing accidents, Liu said.

Employees' primary obligation is to provide labor, while their secondary obligations include not engaging in behavior that may harm the operations of their employers, he said.

The travel ban on employees can be imposed under the terms of the secondary obligations on both sides, Liu said.

The labor ministry has also mandated that migrant workers will be permitted to enter Taiwan only at Taoyuan International Airport or Kaohsiung International Airport, where they will have to report to the MOL's Foreign Workers Service Stations and will each be given six surgical masks.

According to MOL data, 624 migrant workers enter Taiwan daily on average, 73 percent of whom are new hires.



  1. We hope that Taiwan government is emplement to a long term for caregivers for at least 20years of service


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