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Taiwan total coronavirus cases rose to 420 with 22 new infections

Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) confirmed 22 more new cases of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) on Sunday (April 19),  bringing the country's total to 420.

Health Minister and CECC head Chen Shih-chung announced that 21 individuals on Taiwan's navy vessels, along with one citizen returning from the U.S., had been confirmed with COVID-19. 

Out of the 22 new patients, 20 were men and two were women, following Saturday's (April 18) news that three Taiwanese navy trainees had contracted the coronavirus,  while more than 700 crew and trainees on three different vessels have been placed under quarantine and tested for the virus. 

According to Chen the testing results revealed that the 21 new patients were all on board on the same ship, while individuals from the other two vessels have all tested negative for the disease.

As of Sunday afternoon, Taiwan has reported a total of 420 COVID-19 cases, 365 of which were imported, while 55 were local. Six have died from the disease, and 189 have been released from hospital isolation.

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